La Fête des rois

When I lived in France, I was introduced to the tradition of the Fête des rois during the month of January. At every event or gathering I attended during the month, a galette des rois – a delicious puff pastry cake filled with almond cream – would be produced, often accompanied by a bottle of Champagne. Everyone in attendance would

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Are you a NAATI certified translator?

Clients often ask me if I am NAATI certified. The answer is yes, I am certified by NAATI (the National Accreditation Authority for Translators and Interpreters) to translate French into English. To keep this qualification up to date, I must recertify every three years by providing proof that I have been working regularly as a translator and participating in professional

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Translating your French driver’s licence

Translating your French driver’s licence

One of the documents I am most often asked to translate is a French driver’s licence. You can drive using your French driver’s licence when you visit Australia, but you must have it translated by a NAATI certified French to English translator and you must carry the translation with your French licence. If you are planning to take up residence

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